Southern Indiana Services

The Center for Women and Families proudly serves Clark and Floyd counties in Southern Indiana.

Download our brochure for more details about our services!


Clark Memorial Health Campus
1301 Akers Avenue
Jeffersonville, IN 47130

Walk-in Hours: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Monday-Friday)




Photo of mobile advocacy vanMobile Advocacy

Survivors often face emotional and logistical barriers in asking for or receiving support. Our advocates will meet survivors in public places where they feel comfortable—like their workplace, coffee shop, library, doctor’s office, or even in one of The Center’s vehicles—to assess their situation and offer services. This can minimize barriers survivors have by meeting them on their own terms in safe, public settings. Schedule time to meet with an advocate by calling our 24/7 crisis line at (812) 944-6743.



Domestic Violence Program

Abuse between partners comes in many forms, including but not limited to verbal, physical, emotional, and financial. Our advocates can help with the following:

  • Safety planning
  • Supportive case management
  • Legal advocacy
  • Supportive counseling
  • Psycho-educational groups: Education and information, life skills development, parenting support, self-esteem/self-worth, survivors’ network
  • Information and referrals


Sexual Assault Program

Sexual violence can be considered any nonconsensual sexual act, ranging from unwanted touching to rape.

Our advocates can assist with the following:

  • Medical advocacy: If you go to a hospital ER for a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE) in Clark or Floyd counties, one of our hospital advocates can accompany you during the exam if you wish and provide advocacy, support, and resources. To receive an exam from a specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), call the crisis line,
    1-844-237-2331, to identify a location.
  • Supportive counseling
  • Legal advocacy
  • Supportive case management
  • Sexual assault therapy
  • Therapeutic support group
  • Information and referrals

Photo of two people at coffee shop
Empowerment Program

A chance for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors to use their voice, gain peer support, and share knowledge, including:

  • Survivor-led groups and events
  • Story sharing
  • Provide program feedback
  • Survivor newsletter


Prevention: Education & Awareness

As we work toward creating more loving, violence-free communities, we partner with organizations and individuals throughout the area to not only reach more survivors but teach people how they can help prevent violence and abuse from beginning or escalating.

  • Prevention education: We facilitate overviews and trainings on many topics, including intimate partner and sexual violence, human trafficking, dating violence, healthy relationships and boundaries, and consent. From schools to professional or community settings, presentations are tailored to meet the needs of each group.
  • Community outreach and partnerships: We attend and offer resources at community events; co-facilitate trainings, workshops and presentations with other agencies; provide brochures to display.

Ready to get involved?
We always need and appreciate volunteers, whether to assist survivors, support our advocates and staff, or help spread the word in the community. Meet one of our longtime volunteers, and contact us at 812-944-6743 for more information.