The Importance of Connectedness in Our Daily Lives

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For almost a year now during the COVID-19 pandemic, society as a whole has been trying to find ways to stay connected to one another. Be it through Zoom calls with family or virtual birthday parties with friends, we have all wanted to tap into the connectedness, or the feeling of belonging and safety, we’d come to know in our communities before the pandemic. It is this continued search for connectedness that not only reminds us of its importance during this isolating time, but it also reinforces that having safe, open spaces in our lives, regardless what is going on in the world, is crucial to our happiness and well-being. At The Center for Women and Families, we recognize that it is crucial to the healing process of domestic violence survivors to connect with communities or spaces where they feel accepted and safe.

For domestic violence survivors, connecting with oneself and reflecting on priorities, boundaries, and goals can provide clarity in a relationship characterized by violence. Additionally, thinking through these ideas can help determine future responses should a situation turn violent. Yet reconnecting with one’s values and rediscovering what provides fulfillment, safety, and happiness isn’t just helpful while in an unsafe relationship; it can also be useful in the healing process. For domestic violence survivors who have left a violent situation behind, reconnecting with values and strengths is a beneficial way to recultivate self-worth and a sense of empowerment.

Domestic violence survivors, whether currently in a violent relationship or healing from previous experiences, should consider connecting with friends and family they can trust. By tapping into these safe circles, they can talk through experiences in a space where they won’t be judged or questioned. Friends and family can also point out red flags in a relationship as well as share helpful resources and perspectives.

As a local resource for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, The Center for Women and Families is here to connect with survivors 24/7, wherever they are. Our team actively works to be a trustworthy support system for the survivors who have come to us for help by connecting them to the services specific to their needs. From providing emergency shelter advocating for survivors and providing education, we are always here to help.